回覆:神的預知 # 1484 [Because real Cantonese not ever look down anyone else even when that anyone already indeed down sized self. That how Cantonese is 信用貸款 the very rare Chinese dialect that has no language to show look down any 西裝外套 female.] http://tieba.baidu.com/f?z=126813747&ct=335544320&lm=0&sc=0&rn=30&tn=baiduPostBrow 信用貸款ser&word=%CC%EC%B7%BD%D2%B9%CC%B8&pn=1200 That how Cantonese is worse than Taiwanese, because both of them ar 租屋網e narrow minded slavery linked Chinese dialect, Cantonese further force the man form to committed hypocrite crime to bend to female 室內設計 dressed animals not only further down size man form but also lost straight, the power that Chinese called "Down.Dow.Zhi.Rule". That how come no matter his n 節能燈具ame is Leslie 張國榮 or JungShiauLin, they speak Cantonese, they just have no way to be loved back by any good woman (Because you can only get true love from good woman, on 室內設計ly true love can give you real good life.). I don't understand why you guys so suck to the degree to ban my point of view to post to let all Mainland Chinese to know the fact. Good Canto 租屋網nese must have no problem to know their own sucks, stupid bad ugly evil Cantonese must be killed rather sooner than later, you fear those stupid bad ugly evil Cantonese too weak too sick too wicked to see the fact, y 裝潢ou should be killed for your fear, you should be killed for you under estimate all sucking Cantonese righteous guts. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 裝潢  .

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